Dear Ladies, so here's something little about VALUE. This is the degree of importance given to something or the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of a thing. With direct regard to a person it is said to be principles or standards of behavior; one's judgement of what is important in life.
When we don't value ourselves everything goes for us and we'll be devalued. As ladies we must have a sense of self worth, we must believe that we are created for a purpose, to affect lives, our generation and that to come.
We must never settle for less. We must have a royalty mentality, we must believe that we are created to make impact and be relevant in our world.
"Therefore, let this mind be in us
which was also in Christ Jesus for
Ye are gODS ;
representatives of His kingdom here on earth,
an ambassador of Heaven."
NOTE: Not until we value ourselves no one will value us.
Have a sense of WORTH AND VALUE.
The world awaits our impact.
Author: Trust O.J.
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